
人气指数:1 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 13:37

  崔尼迪文法学校创办于一九0二年,学校的交通的便利,是一所男子大学,提供各个年龄段的学生入学进行学习,提供优质的教学服务,崔尼迪文法学校共有四个部分组成。它们分别是主校区科(KEW)、运动场布林(BULEEN)、户外活动教育中心埃佩洛克湖区(LAKE EPPALOCK)、和一个约有600公顷的野外活动区利克拉(LICOLA)。其中科是主要的教学区,学校的幼教部、小学部和中学部都在科校区。户外活动教育中心埃佩洛克湖区(LAKE EPPALOCK)离科校区约为2小时的车程,是学校为7年级和8年级学生提供露营的场所。野外活动区利克拉(LICOLA)离科校区有3小时15分的车程。它和爱普林国家公园(APLINE NATIONAL PARK)连为一体,是为学校9年级以上的学生提供丛林探险、远足的地方。









  (01) Art: Art, Media, Visual Communication and Design

  (02) Commerce: Accounting, Business Management, Economics, Legal Studies

  (03) Drama: Drama, Theatre Studies

  (04) English: English, English as a Second Language, English Language, Literature

  (05) Geography: Geography

  (06) History: Australian History, Classical Societies and Cultures, Renaissance Italy History,

  Revolutions, Twentieth Century History

  (07) Information Technology: Information Technology, Information Technology Applications,

  Software Development

  (08) LOTE: Chinese as a First Language, Chinese as a Second Language, French, German

  (09) Mathematics: Further Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, Specialist Mathematics

  (10) Music: Music Investigation, Music Performance, Music Style and Comition

  (11) PE: Health and Human Development, Physical Development, Physical Education

  (12) Science: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, Psychology

  (13) Technology: Design and Technology (Product), Design and Technology, Design and

  Technology (Fashion)


  Term 1开学:2015年1月30日


  Term 2开学:2015年4月21日


  Term 3开学:2015年7月14日


  Term 4开学:2015年10月5日



  (01) A pure-built Science Design and Technology Centre with eight laboratories and an

  extensive area dedicated to design and technology

  (02) Nearby sporting fields allow the boys to experience a wide range of sports including tennis,

  soccer, football, hockey and cricket.

  (03) Two well resourced libraries with private study areas for senior students and online access

  to all library catalogues and other resource information.

  (04) Specialist computer rooms are available during and after school. In addition,each boy has

  his own notebook computer with online access to the internet and the School’s intranet

  service and library catalogues through a wireless network system. Computers are purchased

  through the School.

  (05) The Art Department has graphics and art studios, a print room, a dark room and an Art


  (06) The Music Department has many private practice rooms, rehearsal room, sound recording desk

  and other music studios.

  (07) The Sports complex has three basketball courts, a fully equipped gymnasium and classrooms.

  (08) The 25 metre swimming pool is at the Kew site.

  (09) The School canteen provides a variety of hot and cold foods and drinks for morning snacks

  and lunch. Asian foods and rice are often on the menu.

  (10) Year 12 students have their own common room where they can meet with each other in a

  relaxed, friendly atmosphere.


网站名称: 崔尼迪文法学校
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网站链接: www.trinity.vic.edu.au
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